Case studies
Carefully selected case studies in Austria, France, Ireland and Lithuania will serve as real-life testing of the new ToSIA benchmarking method and have been selected to cover jointly the full wood construction value chain, while focusing on country specific issues. The case studies have been designated to reflect the diversity of timber usage for buildings among the countries supporting SUMFOREST. The case studies also offer the opportunity to gain country specific information while international synergies will be stimulated through the BenchValue consortium giving enhanced added value to the project. Moreover, the participating countries were chosen to widely cover the diversity of European bio-economies and policy schemes through representative case countries where house construction and choice of materials plays an important role either because of the strength of the construction sector or because of the housing requirements. Where data is difficult to obtain, subcontracting has been foreseen in specified cases. Selected cases studies addressing specific national issues and testing the developed method will be situated in:
Milestones and DeliverablesD4.1 Development and dissemination of leaflets specific to each case study (M30) |